What it is:

The Europass certificate is a common format:

-which can be given to the holders of the occupational qualification certificates or training and education certificates

-which is used in the EU countries and those that recognize Europass

-which includes detailed information regarding the VQA vocational qualification certificates

-which makes it easier for the employers and institutions abroad to understand knowledge and skills better

-which includes learning outcomes regarding the qualification units in the occupational qualification certificates of VQA.

The Europass certificate supplement is a document prepared according to international norms and is accessible for free from the National Europass Center and VQA website for VQA vocational qualification certificate holders.

Learning outcomes regarding the qualification units in VQA vocational qualification documents and other explanatory expressions that are not in the document, can be found in the Europass certificate supplement belonging to the related national qualification.

What it is not

Europass Certificate Supplement is not:

-A substitute for the original certificate;

-An automatic system that guarantees recognition. 

It can not be issued issued specific to a person’s name.

The Europass certification supplements prepared for VQA vocational qualification certificates regarding the national qualifications may be reached from the VQA website and it may be demanded from the authorized certification body from which the supplement is taken as well.