

TQF presents a single, integrated, life-long learning supporting structure in which all quality-assured qualifications will be defined, classified and thus the relations among the qualifications will be determined; the transparency and recognition of qualifications will be provided.

TQF will ensure:

a)the development of new qualifications

b)the ameliorating of existing qualifications

c)recognition of prior learning

d)the determination of horizontal and linear transition between qualifications

e)the international comparibility of qualifications

The fundamental goals of TQF have been determined as a result of a comprehensive research including meetings with stakeholders, a negotiation process, the examination of many political and strategic documents about TQF and research on the experience of other countries. The goals of TQF, which was designed as a system open for innovation, which are participatory and constantly developable, are:

-Determining an open and coherent method to define, classify and compare qualifications

-Presenting an integrated framework which includes all quality-assured qualifications (gained in environments of general, vocational, academic education and training along with other learning environments)

-Constantly ameliorating the qualification system so that the qualifications that the individuals gain in formal, non-formal ad informal learning environments are recognized.

-Contributing to the training of individuals who possess defined and assessable qualifications and who are employable; thus decrease the unemployment rates.

-Developing corporate cooperation of all the related parties, with the social parties, the business world, and organizations responsible for qualifications being in the first place.

-Setting the criteria for the recognition of qualifications of Turkey abroad and other countries’ qualifications in Turkey; and thus work as a comparing mechanism.