With reference to the need of determining a national coordination point as per the recommendation of the European Parliament and European Council No: 2008/C111/01 of April 23,2008 and towards the formation of European Qualifications Framework on Life-Long Learning, the Vocational Qualifications Authority has been appointed as ‘’the European Qualifications Framework National Coordination Point’’ and has represented our country in the EQF Advisory Council since 2008.

The Project of Referencing the Turkish Qualifications Framework with the European Qualifications Framework has been financed since 2014 by the European Union with the co-financer Vocational Qualifications Authority.

The implementation period of the Project ‘’The Referencing of Turkish Qualifications Framework with European Qualifications Framework 2016’’ was between 01.01.2016 -31.12.2016. The total budget of the Project was 78.585.000 €, 19.632,00 € of which was the national contribution.


The goals of this Project are,

-The introduction of EQF and TQF to the related stakeholders,

-The conducting of the national negotiation process of the referencing of TQF to EQF,

-The preparation of the final draft of the referencing report,

-Supporting the inclusion of the related EQF Level in every new qualification document, diploma and Europass Document,

-Briefing the stakeholders on how national qualifications are to be associated with the European Qualifications Framework through national qualification systems


Within the context of the Project, it is planned that:

-The Turkish Referencing Report is rearranged in accordance with the current updates in the TQF Regulation and its supplement the TQF document,

-The English version of the TQF and the referencing report is revised,

-The referencing report is finalized with the meetings of the team of report writing,

-The action plan on the implementation of the TQF is prepared,

-TQF Board, TQF Coordination Council and TQF Council, the Referencing Committee meetings are conducted,

-Information meetings are conducted with the attendance of related parties,

-The TQF referencing report is submitted to the EQF Advisory Council,

-A national conference is held with the attendance of all related stakeholders,

-Promotion materials that will increase the visibility of TQF are prepared.